Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Stop crazy people

Hi everyone!
Okay, I know I look like a total retard, my letters look weird and my arrows aren’t by any chance symmetric, but let me explain.

After months of useless facebook reporting and warning, angry emails still keep coming my way, asking if I am in any way related to “kryzzzie uy” who later changed her name to “kryzz uy” and then to “thirstythought shop.” The answer is no. All those names belong to one account, the same one who has been using my photos and the photos of other bloggers as well, claiming to be me, and selling my stuff. The name changes keep coming because everytime she does, the reports filed against her previous name disappear.


I have no idea why this particular user is so hard to stop. This isnt the first incident of a fake facebook account, it’s like the fifth or sixth, but for some reason, facebook wont do anything about her. WHY????

The scamming has got to stop. I hear she’s ripped off over 100,000 pesos already!
A bunch of readers emailed me suggesting I post a photo of myself stating which account is really mine. Apparently, its worked with others before. So, here goes. I’m mirror imaging my letters (so its readable through photobooth), and hoping that someone in power sees this and does something about it.

Feel free to spread the word (or the photo, even if it does suck.)

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